"The perception of domiciliary care has changed - it's more and more well known and it will only get bigger."

Simon Raw
Simon says he had misconceptions about what domiciliary optometry would be like but he loves being able to deliver complete optometry with excellent technology and longer appointments that allow him to make a bigger difference.
A big cricket fan, he enjoys having his weekends free to play cricket with his club and train for charity challenges.
"It's complete optometry - so you get to do the eye test, the dispense, talk about lighting, talk about lifestyle, supplements, low-vision work all in one go."
Visit our optometry page
Meet some of our 100+ clinicians

Steve Clark
Steve loves the variety of his role at OutsideClinic and feels motivated by the difference he’s making to patients’ lives. He’s also Chair of the West Yorkshire Eye Health Network and an NHS advisor.

Ciara Ni Chleirigh
Ciara started a career in domiciliary to be able to give more to her community and make a real difference in people's lives. She also loved being able to get out of the testing room.

Kiran Matharu
Kiran wanted to work for a company with ethics that aligned with her own. She loves the privilege of seeing people in their own homes and, as a mum of two, loves the flexibility we offer.
About OutsideClinic
We’re here to transform lives by helping people see better, hear better, and live better. Join us on our mission to make a difference.
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